Classes & Small Groups
We can’t follow Jesus alone; we need to be surrounded by a small community of people who love us and hold us accountable.
What to expect from a Small Group:
- Leaders who coordinate group meetings and facilitate discussions
- A casual atmosphere, sometimes at the church or in a group member’s home
- “Check-ins,” during which folks in the group share how they’re doing, what they’re celebrating, requests for prayer/support, etc.
- On-site child care (in most groups)
- Some groups meet weekly (Sunday school groups), while a few meet twice a week or once a month.
- Some are life-stage groups (couples groups, moms group, etc.); others are topical (bible studies, cooking, etc.).
- You can either sign up for a group on Sunday morning during worship, or simply contact us for more information.
Please check our newsletter for updates on small group and class offerings and contact the Keystone Office, [email protected], if you have questions about small groups offered.